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蒼霧殘響 | QooApp繁體中文版 Apk ダウンロード

《蒼霧殘響》是一款致力於打造精致劇情演出的日式科幻卡牌棋盤策略遊戲。"Reverberation of the Mist" is a Japanese-style sci-fi card board strategy game dedicated to creating exquisite plot performances.

故事的起因是你——被「她」認可的你失去了記憶。The cause of the story is you——you who were recognized by "her" lost your memory.  

在本作故事中,玩家將扮演唯一的通感者,在日漸崩壞、卻又不斷回溯的世界中,鏈接著性格各異的巨大兵器少女們,一邊擊退襲來的原罪,一邊尋找自己失去的珍惜之物。In the story of this work, the player will play the role of the only sensate. In the world that is collapsing and going back, he will link girls with huge weapons with different personalities. A lost treasure. 

巨人,但是美少女 (Giants, but beautiful girls ) :

蘿莉一定要小小小小的才可愛?超超超超超大型小蘿莉的震撼,喜歡嗎?loli must be small to be cute? The shock of super super super super super big little loli, do you like it? 

決勝於先,戰術玩法!(Victory comes first, tactical gameplay) :

全新戰術戰棋玩法,享受燒腦佈陣帶來的快感,你就是戰術大師!Brand-new tactical war chess gameplay, enjoy the thrill of brain-burning formation, you are the master of tactics! 

浴室絕密資料公開 (The top-secret information in the bathroom is disclosed)

幫助美少女清潔身體,來自「媽媽」的秘密福利,更多不易外傳內容請親自探索!Help the beautiful girl clean her body, the secret benefits from "mother", please explore more content that is not easy to spread !

高質量影視級演出!(High-quality film and television performances)

人氣聲優傾情助力,主線劇情全語音演繹。海量精美插畫共建影視級沉浸劇情體驗!With the help of popular voice actors, the main storyline is fully voiced. A large number of exquisite illustrations create a film-level immersive plot experience!

蒼霧殘響 Reservation Bonus :

QooApp special reservation rewards:

energy crystals*100, resonance source stones*100, dong coins*3000

Rewards for reaching the total number of reservations:

  • 10,000 resonance source stones*100 lower-level crystal optional box*50
  • 50,000 transfiguration star fragments*100 top-secret report information* 10 Intermediate Crystal Optional Box*50
  • 100,000 Concentrated Energy Mixture*5 Sparkling Reverberation*20 Advanced Crystal Optional Box*50
  • 150,000 SR Driver: Bell
  • 200,000 Elite Scheduling Coupon*10 Rupiah*50,000
  • Overbooking: SR Driving member:?

Note : Sorry Currently 霧の残響 (Reverberation of the Mist ) Is Not Released Check Again Soon....

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